MG 2797

Marketing at Resato

Promoting our hydrogen refueling stations and our company

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As a member of our marketing team, you will shape the future of mobility through our advanced hydrogen technologies. Your role is essential in promoting our message of sustainability and innovation.

Marketing bij Resato Hydrogen Technology

Our marketing department is all about telling our story and conveying the benefits of hydrogen as a fuel for the future. From creating engaging content to organising events, our team is central to building our brand and expanding our reach.

Flexibility Green

Flexible working hours and the possibility of working from home

Ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden Resato Hydrogen Technology - Vacatures techniek

Develop through training and courses when you like

Heart Green

Your own ideas and input are valued, you are the professional

Arbeidsvoorwaarden Resato Hydrogen Technology

We regularly organise fun parties and team outings

MG 2797

A day as a marketeer

A few faces at Resato Hydrogen Technology

Development Manager Jendrikedit2a
Jendrik's story
Sales Engineer Daanedit
Daan's experience
Recruiter Femmaeditd2
Femma's story

At Resato, you get attractive working conditions and we encourage your personal development

Arbeidsvoorwaarden Resato Hydrogen Technology
Employment conditions

Receive a good salary according to the CAO Metalektro, including a generous pension plan and 40 holiday and Atv days. Working from home is an option.

Voordelen Resato Hydrogen Technology
Resato Benefits

Enjoy daily fresh fruit, a shared lunch and fun company events such as the Christmas party, sports competitions and team outings.

Ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden Resato Hydrogen Technology - Vacatures techniek
Personal development

Grow in an innovative environment with the Resato Academy, extensive onboarding and we we are open to your ideas

Team Resato Hydrogen Technology - Vacatures
Team Up!

At Resato, you will have great colleagues and work together on innovative products for the energy transition.

Innovative Hydrogen Refueling Technology for the Energy Transition

Resato promotes the energy transition by encouraging zero emission mobility. We are a hy-tech company with world-class hydrogen refueling technology. This is how we accelerate the energy transition from ‘100 to zero’ emissions.

MG 2734

in marketing

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